Level up your voice support and engagement with Call recording

Level up your voice support and engagement with Call recording

SalesIQ's audio call feature is one of the best ways to actively engage with your customers, promote your business, or improve support sessions. But have you ever been in a situation where you couldn't recall the critical information you discussed over an audio call with your prospect? Wouldn't it be nice to go back and revisit the call just like viewing an old conversation? SalesIQ allows you to do exactly that using the calls module. 

With the dedicated Calls module, SalesIQ takes it to a whole new level of call management and analysis. Easily manage your calls in SalesIQ with the calls module. The new calls module introduced a more innovative way to keep all the calls made in your portal managed effectively right inside SalesIQ. 

Benefits of calls module:

  1. Calls can be recorded and revisited at any time.
  2. Accelerate sales and support process by cutting down the time required to draft long messages.
  3. Listen back on sales calls to better understand before you perform follow-up. 
  4. Filter out calls using filters such as the visitor type and their CRM relationship status.
  5. View recent calls made by the contact/visitor. 
  6. Calls are secure; they cannot be exported and misused.

How do I enable call recording?

To enable audio call and screen share recording,
  • Navigate to Settings > Brands > {Your brand name} > Configuration
  • Under Select your desired recording preference, choose if you want to record only audio calls or both audio calls and screen share sessions as well.

Locate desired call with custom views and filters

Identifying a specific call can be difficult if you don't know the caller ID or the exact date when the call took place. So to get to the desired call recording faster, you can use Call list views and filters. 

Be transparent with your visitors

Let your visitors know that the calls will be recorded and used for quality assurance, record-keeping, and training purposes by showing a consent banner before they connect on call.

Note: You can also update the audio call and screen share recording consent message in the input fields below the Select your desired recording preference.
For more details, check out our help guide here
