Link cards from Firefox

Link cards from Firefox

Back story: I migrated from Evernote a few days ago. Although I use other Microsoft services, I've never got on very well with OneNote.

I use Firefox on my PC laptop. I've added the "add to Notebook" extension. It works beautifully for sending full pages, or Reader formatted pages to Notebook. Sending links to create link cards, however, doesn't seem to work at all. If I use the tool to save a web page and select "create link card" it just creates a full web page card. And it won't let me put it in the particular notebook I want, for some reason.

If I attempt the same thing on Android, nothing happens at all. No card is created...unless I select "text card", in which case it creates a link card.

This isn't a huge problem, since I can always just copy and paste links into note cards manually, but it is an annoyance.

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