Linking within and between lessons plus some other edit features

Linking within and between lessons plus some other edit features

Why does the link option within Learn blocks only allow you to choose the title of the block itself or only anchors within that block.

Even if you use the "extra" edit options link feature, that will still only link to absolute URLs.

It would be really useful if we can link to
  1. any other lesson in the course
  2. Any other lesson with a particular anchor in that lesson added to the link
  3. any anchor within the same lesson
Why is it that the images inserted a mysteriously saved away to some unknown location so that if we wish to use the same image again later we have to upload another instance instead of selecting it from the library of images that are obviously associated with the Learn Space or Course? I wish Zoho could use a single consistent editor and menu bar across ALL its applications. Every app handles edit of rich content differently and none of them at all well. The editor in Zoho Connect is probably as good as it gets but still falls short to some degree.

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