Live Webinar: Delivering learner-centric training sessions using ShowTime.

Live Webinar: Delivering learner-centric training sessions using ShowTime.

Delivering corporate training sessions that are both productive and learner-centric is no small feat. It requires effective promotion, relevant content, collaboration with efficient co-presenters, and a high level of audience engagement throughout the session

ShowTime aims to help our trainers excel in all of these aspects. For example, take our recently added "Remove" feature. It helps the trainer maintain a learning-friendly enviroment by allowing them to remove participants duing a live training. To learn more about new features like these, join us for a live webinar on Thursday, 7th February, 2019. 
Our product experts will give you a live demo of ShowTime. During the webinar, you can learn how to reach a worldwide audience, manage your class effectively, conduct tests and quizzes and reflect on the overall impact of the training. We will also give you a sneak peek of our product roadmap. Register now! 

After this session, you will know how to:
1. Manage your team and collaborate with multiple trainers before and during a session.
2. Promote your trainings, track registrations, and attract more participants towards a session.
3. Engage with participants in real-time using Screen-share, Open Mic, Polls, and more. 
4. Record your trainings to offer the convenience of self-paced learning.   
5. Gauge the effectiveness of your session by launching surveys and assessments.
Submit your questions and our product experts will answer them for you live during the session.
Date: 7th February, 2019
Time: 10 AM to 11AM PDT

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