macOS version is falling behind?

macOS version is falling behind?

I kind of feel the macOS version lacks some features and stability compared to mobile and web version. Some of my summary below.

Feedback for macOS version
  • I tried to copy paste the same text from one website. The result of copy pasting to web and macOS is totally different. Personally, I prefer the web one.
  • The formatting in macOS is weird? I tried to make bullet list. The second level of bullet list doesn't work on macOS, while it works fine on web.
  • The card size is so big, I mean too big.
  • Spacing for card/notebook is so wide and inconsistent (also, comparing the spacing between the edge of window and between tiles). It's killing me! How Zoho let this atrocity happen!?
  • The spacing between card heading text and content makes it hard to skim the header of every cards in thumbnail view.

Feedback for Android version

  • After working with the cards and notebooks on Mac, seems like syncing is broken? It feels like the app synchronize the update history one-by-one following the timestamp order. If I update in the middle of synchronizing, my update is gone.
  • Oh boy, the lock is really not dependable. Sometimes it still shows cards that should be locked as visible.


  • Can we have "lock immediately" button? I feel so insecure leaving my notes unlocked, even when I know it's autolocked when switching to other window or minimized.
  • Can we have adjust card/notebook size? (And, possibly adjusting the text size for card content from thumbnail view)

      • Sticky Posts

      • Migrate your Notebook data to the new, mobile Notebook.

        Zoho Notebook is transforming. The new version will include exciting new features and a completely new user experience. The initial version will be mobile based, available for Android and iOS. A new web version will be available after the initial mobile release.   With the release of the new Notebook approaching, we're migrating most of your current data to the new version. Once the new version is released, there will be an additional window to migrate your data. We will not provide access to the