Hi. looking for someone to develop an app that takes care of all our bookings, payments (Paypal) and to invoice outstanding invoices by selecting customers and emailing them in one go. here is what happens. We book people in for skydiving. They visit our website and fill in a gravity form. There can be from 1 to 5 people in a party so all their information needs to be collected and collected as a party, and linked to the main customer (lead jumper) There will only be one person paying though (lead jumper). They will have the option to pay in installments. After they submit the form I want the form contents to automatically create a new customer with all the information they submitted, including all information of jumpers they have in their party. I need zoho to register what they have paid so far, and the balance to show what they need to pay. When I browse the database I want to be able to send an email to all those who have to pay their balances in one click, the email will contain a link to Paypal with the correct figure. I want the facility to generate an email and send that email to all users I choose. We also have many charities that people jump for so if they are jumping for a charity we want them linked to that charity so if we search for a certain charity their details will appear. We need to be able to take notes and also have details of any emails sent on which date. We will definately need a calender function so we can click on a certain date and all that days jumpers will be be revealed, at which jump site (over 20 jump sites) There are a few other bits and pieces but this is to just give you an outline of what's required.