Manually Backorder Sales Order and/or Change Sales Order Status

Manually Backorder Sales Order and/or Change Sales Order Status

Is there an option to manually 'backorder' a sales order, or otherwise change it's status?  In some cases, we receive orders for products that are out of stock, but we already have issued POs to our suppliers for replenishment.  

Ex- we created a PO on 1/1/2021 for a product.  On 1/5/2021, we receive a sales order for that same product.  The product will not be delivered until 2/15/2021.  Since the PO was already created, we cannot 'backorder' the sales order.  

It would be nice for some type of status change or icon on the sales order page could show that this order is not ready to ship.  

Is there a way to manually place the order "on hold"?  

We're transitioning from Lightspeed, and their way of displaying order status was very clear: requested (all items on the sales order were out of stock), partially received (some items on the sales order were out of stock) and received (all items on the sales order were in stock and ready to ship).  It was very convenient for warehouse, sales, and purchasing to understand what was ready to ship, and what needed backordered/put on hold. 

Any suggestions on how to replicate this in Zoho Inventory?