Material Tracking Database

Material Tracking Database

We are an electronics recycler and need to closely track the flow of material that comes in and gets shipped out. We are looking for a Material Tracking Database that tracks the flow of material throughout warehouse through to shipping by weight. Two major components would be the shipping/receiving slips and reusable vs. recyclable material by location. In the end we would like to have a grasp (by weight) of the: Material received (in triage) Material sent to recycling – both to be processed and processed by commodity type ie. Servers, computers, boards, ram, steel, Material sent for reuse – to be inventoried and in inventory to be sold Material shipped – for re-use and for recycling by commodity. App should have ability to collect source for receiving and destination for shipping. Generate reports that include receiving slip, shipping slip, and list of material in process stages. I can provide samples of our current shipping and receiving slips. They have space to enter up to 24 pallets with description and weight for each.

Budget : $500 | Duration : One Week

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