Missing Data

Missing Data

I imported my notes from Evernote a few months ago with no problems. Everything was fine until about 2 hours ago. I created a new note in one of the notbooks that was imported from Evernote & discovered that the notes disappeared. The only note to survive was the new note created about 2 hours ago. I have checked both the trashcan and the Zoho site to no avail. The data has been scrubbed from the Zoho server. I'm just curious:
1. Has this happened to others?
2. How or why did this happen? How can I prevent it from happening again?
3. Other than copying and pasting the missing data from Evernote, is there any other way to recover the lost data? 
4. If I sync again with Evernote, will I lose the new notes that I have created since the first sync?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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