Mobile printing

Mobile printing

The goal of this project is to be able to print to a Zebra mobile printer using an Android device that runs our own Zoho Creator app (we use Skyfire as a browser). What we need is: 1.- Our street personnel receive a payment and they submit it to a form we have in our own ZC app. (we already have this feature working) 2.- After they submit the payment, we need to be able to "get" the data already in the ZC form and use it to print a receipt using a Zebra mobile printer. NOTE: The connectivity between the Android device and the Zebra printer is accomplished via bluetooth (we have already tested it using an Android app from Zebra) Budget: Design a general procedure that will work after our own programming: $100.00/// Full programming: $600.00

Budget : $600.00 | Duration : 2 weeks

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