Monthly averages based on "FULL" weeks in month

Monthly averages based on "FULL" weeks in month

My data is set for a start day of the week being Monday.
I want to pull monthly averages for our events that run on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
The problem I run into is a monthly average for January 2024 runs Monday Jan 1st - Wednesday Jan 31st.
The 1st 4 weeks will pull "full" averages but the 5th week will not include Thursday or Sunday, skewing our monthly average.

The way I would like it to work is whatever month the Sunday (ending the week) falls in is what that week will fall in.  So January 29 - February 4 would be included in February.

Does anyone know the best way to make this happen? I have tried to add a column called "Journey Month" where it will put the date as the 1st date of the month for all entries in that week where the Sunday falls in.
But I cannot get it to work...any help would be greatly appreciated!

**or if you can think of a better way to handle this when we want to include "full" weeks for our monthly averages.

Thank you!

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