More show stoppers from Zoho

More show stoppers from Zoho

It seems like every time I go to use a Zoho app within our Zoho One subscription I run head on into some show stopping non-starter. The most recent one is with Zoho Sign.

1) Zoho branded absolutely everywhere! I'm sure Zoho has the idea that this promotes trust (heard it before from Zoho), but in fact it does the opposite. Zoho is not really well known with businesses. Since we are known to our customers, our own brand most effectively promotes credibility. Having Zoho branding everywhere just dilutes that trust. Particularly with something that handles/processes legal documents.

2) We can't even send the document using any of our verified email addresses. Our only choices are: main corporate email or logged in user's email or Zoho's email address (are you kidding me??)

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