Moving .Zdoc, .Zsheet, .Zslide files around on Desktop (Windows 10) puts them in the trash

Moving .Zdoc, .Zsheet, .Zslide files around on Desktop (Windows 10) puts them in the trash

One of our customers is using the Windows 10 WorkDrive desktop sync. When he moves files around online, everything works perfectly. When he moves non .Zdoc, .Zsheet, or .Zslide files (e.g. .pdf, .docx, .jpg) around using the desktop sync, it works great. 

However, when he moves .Zdoc, .Zsheet, or .Zslide files between folders on the desktop sync, those files don't show up in the proper folder — they actually end up in the trash on the online client.

See attached screenshots (note the green check mark when the file is originally created, and the red "X" once it's been moved to another folder using the desktop sync).

Peter Fuller
Software Consultant, Camber Dynamics
peter [at]
(435) 862-0053