I have a table called 'Applications' that include a list of apps on each computer, and their versions (and computer serial number)
What I want-
A table (query table? Report? Dashboard?) showing the serial number, and the version of a couple of these applications
So it would look like this
Serial Number Office version Chrome version Acrobat version
12345678 16.57 97.0.4692 2.1.3
23456778 16.29 82.xxx 3.67899
44567785 16.32 84.xxxx 4.5322
Problem- I can get the first one to display correctly, doing this
drag 'app name' into 'rows'
then add 'version' into 'rows'
then add a filter to display only 'office'
but adding another one just adds more columns and doesn't display the data I want
Any hints please?