My client requires me to have custom pdf file names to except payment for invoices, how can I customize this before emailing.

My client requires me to have custom pdf file names to except payment for invoices, how can I customize this before emailing.


I love the program so far but there are a few things that are standing in the way. I hope you guys can code them in so I can keep the program for years to come.

My client requires I customize the pdf file names I send in for billing. Can you please code this option in?

When you click send invoice, it attaches a pdf invoice with only the invoice number. This will not work. I need the ability to set a custom prefix and suffix to this file name before the email is populated for sending. Similar to how you have variables passed through with your address editor.

You guys also left out the ability to remove the invoice from the email! Even if I export the invoice, rename it, and then attach it again, I can't take the original invoice off! Man, that seems like an oversight. Too many steps, this can be simplified with code.

Please let me know if you can accommodate this so I can purchase the 1 year subscription. THANKS!

- Rob