My nightmare continues!

My nightmare continues!

The zoho team I fear is a bunch of idiots at this point. They've now put me through another 2 week nightmare where I'm waiting to get "approved" to use the Zoho Custom Solution Module. After 2 weeks, they zoho team simply sent me the link to the documentation and sent me on my way. They still haven't given us access!!! Why would they do this to me and my company? Why would they dangle that in front of me and then constantly make me wait, for weeks, and months, etc. It's wacky at this point. Why would they treat us like this? 

1. First, we wait 4 years for Zoho FSM, to only realize that it's horrible and limited upon it's release.
2. Now, they've put me through a 2 month nightmare where they give me hope that they'll turn on the Zoho Custom Solution Module. But they never ever actually turn it on...They just send me weird emails that give me false hope! ENOUGH!

This is fucking bullshit!