Navigation breadcrumbs is broken at depth > 4

Navigation breadcrumbs is broken at depth > 4

It appears that the navigation breadcrumbs feature is broken for depths > 4.

Example that works properly:
  • Home/workspace1/aaa/bbb/ccc

Example that breaks:
Actual page:
  • Home/workspace1/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd
on page ddd this appears as:
  • Home/workspace1/bbb/ccc/ddd

Note that 'aaa' is missing, and there's no indication (such as an ellipsis) that anything is missing.

If this design was intentional, perhaps the idea was to limit the width of the breadcrumbs. However it is highly confusing for users. Is there some way to adjust the depth at which this unwanted behavior occurs?

My reference number: GWZ1035