Hi, I am looking for someone to help me develop a log for tracking patient medication records. Currently, I have a form called Resident Records which include: Resident Name, Resident Doctor, Doctor Phone, Date of Birth, etc... I want to create another form that is linked to that resident for keeping track of their medication record. Basically, each resident has a medication record that the staff use to properly dispense medication to the patient. The log needs a few things that are specific to each resident. And a few things specific for each medication. For example, one resident may take 20 medications and another take only 3. Some medications are taken 2 times daily, some 4 times, or one may be every other day. I think I can use HTML View and insert the data in the appropriate locations but will only have 6 spaces for medications entries in one column on one printable page. I only want to show as many "pages" as are required by the number of medications that a resident takes. Like in the example above, the resident that takes 20 medication will have 4 pages and the resident that takes 3 medications will only have 1 page. The last requirement is that I would like to allow the user to add, edit and delete medications records. I have attached a copy of the log.