Need Help Converting CURL to Deluge

Need Help Converting CURL to Deluge

Hi, I am having an issue with converting a CURL command into Deluge.

The CURL Command is formatted as follows (token is a bogus string):
  1. curl https://{subdomain} \
  2. -H "Authorization: Bearer 52d7ef4ee01e2c2c75bff572f957cd4f12d6225eee07ea2f01d01a"

I have tried a lot of different ways as you can see, to no avail.
  1. headerM = Map();
  2. headerL = List();
  3. headerL.add("Bearer");
  4. headerL.add(credsResp.get("access_token"));
  5. headerM.put("Bearer", credsResp.get("access_token"));
  6. //headerM.put("Bearer", zoho.encryption.base64Encode(credsResp.get("access_token")));
  7. //header.put("Authorization",headerM);
  8. header.put("Authorization",headerL);
  9. response = getUrl(userURL, header, false);
Does anyone have any suggestions or has done this before. It's a REST API, but I'm not sure how to format it properly for this request. I was able to get the Access Token, but I cannot get it to fulfill this type of endpoint request.