Need Help with Creating a Sales Order Form on Creator

Need Help with Creating a Sales Order Form on Creator

I asked ChatGPT to write me some code for a sales order form that pulls data from Zoho Books and Zoho CRM. Essentially, I want to be able to check for duplicates using the email address, and also pull the auto-generated sales order number from Books. Then, when the sales order is filled, redirect to a page that says: Pending Appoval. Submit it for approval, when it's approved, automatically convert it to an invoice and go to a payment page.

This is my ChatGPT prompt:
1. Allow users to sign in using their Zoho Email and password. 2. User enters basic contact information into it. Check Zoho CRM / Books for duplicates using email address. If the record exists, use that record. If it doesn't exist, create a new record. Pull the tax rate from the record in Zoho Books if it exists. Allow users to change the tax rate from the available rates in the picklist that exists in Zoho Books. Apply this default tax rate to line items in step 2. 3. Allow users to select any number of products using a subform. Show images of each product, and allow sales reps to apply discounts to each line item. Pull these products from our product list inside of Zoho Books. We have already integrated Zoho Inventory with Zoho Books, so the products already display inside of Books. Show the tax rate for each product as well in each line item. Essentially copy the layout of sales orders and invoices from books in include it in this form. Include a grand total section, with a subtotal field, total tax field in dollars, shipping charge field, and price adjustment field. Apply tax only to subtotal, not shipping. 4. Once the sales order is good to go, show a button that says Submit for Approval. Then, send a webhook for the sales order that is pending approval, and a manager will approve the sales order. 5. Once the sales order is approved, automatically convert it into an Invoice and allow payment processing through Square. We have already integrated Square with Zoho Books. Get the payment link from the invoice, and redirect to that payment page. 6. After payment is processed, redirect to a thank you page.

This is what is responded with:

  1. // Step 1: Allow users to sign in using their Zoho Email and password.
    // Assuming you have a form with username and password fields

    // Step 2: Check for duplicates in Zoho CRM/Books and handle contact information
    // Here's a basic example of how you might do this

    // Check if contact exists in Zoho CRM or Books
    existingContact = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Contacts", "email:email_address");

    if(existingContact.isEmpty()) {
        // Create new contact
        newContact = zoho.crm.createRecord("Contacts", {"Email":});
        // Check for tax rate in Zoho Books and set default tax rate
        // Code to pull tax rate from Zoho Books and set default tax rate
    } else {
        // Use existing contact
        existingContact = existingContact.get(0); // Assuming only one contact is found
        // Code to pull tax rate from existing contact in Zoho Books and set default tax rate

    // Step 3: Allow users to select products and apply discounts
    // Assuming you have a subform for selecting products with fields like product name, quantity, price, discount, etc.

    // Step 4: Submit for Approval and send webhook
    // Assuming you have a button to submit for approval

    // Submit data to webhook
    response = postUrl("<webhook_url>", inputData);

    // Step 5: Convert sales order to invoice and process payment through Square
    // Assuming you have a button to convert to invoice and process payment

    // Convert sales order to invoice in Zoho Books
    invoice = zoho.books.createInvoice(inputData);

    // Get payment link from invoice (assuming Square integration is already set up)
    paymentLink = invoice.get("payment_link");

    // Redirect to payment page

    // Step 6: Redirect to thank you page after payment processing
    // Assuming you have a thank you page URL to redirect to