"New lead from call list", "New lead from last call", "Attach last call to contact" and "Attach last call to lead" functions

"New lead from call list", "New lead from last call", "Attach last call to contact" and "Attach last call to lead" functions

I have started to evaluate Zoho crm and so far I really like it. We will be using the mobile app all the time and I think it will work great for us but I think it can work even better with a few extra functions. The app seems to handle outbound calls great, easy to call a lead or a contact and after the call is completed it is easy to ad information about the call. The problem is the incoming calls from leads or contacts. The functionality will increase greatly with a few new functions.

"New lead from last call"
When I  receive a lead call it would be nice to start up the crm on my iPhone go to leads press the plus sign and then see the functions "New lead from last call". If I press it a new lead is created and I can ad additional lead information. The call is also attached to the new lead and information about the call can be added. The function "New lead from call list" would work the same but lets me choose from the list of previous calls. This could also be nice to have when I call someone and after the call I want to ad the person as a lead.

"Attach last call to contact" and "Attach last call to lead"
I have heard that iPhone limitations make it impossible to actually bring up a lead or contact (other then from the phone book) when a call comes in so this would be a work around. When a lead or contact is selected have button that ads the last incoming call to that lead or contact. For example when a contact call in for support I can easily ad that call to the contact so that I can get statistics on our support calls.


      • Sticky Posts

      • Tip #3: Use Check-in to geo-tag your client visits instantly

        Hello everyone!We are back with a new tip for this week. In case you missed our previous tip on layout based conversion mapping, you can read about it here. This week's tip goes out to all the sales reps and sales managers out there.  Tip #3: Use Check-in to geo-tag your client visits instantly  Done with your client visit? Yay!  But wait, here comes your next bit of boring yet important things that you do: Call your sales manager and inform him/her that you are done with the meeting. Create/update