New User - Some Suggestions

New User - Some Suggestions

I've installed/configured Zoho today for the first time and overall, I'm impressed. Here are a few of the items I see as needing a tweek/improvement. Overall I'm impressed by all of the options/features and look forward to learning some more about how the program works.
- Some options to change the skin on the desktop would be great -- allowing users to match corporate/logo colors
Sync'ing Support
- Integration with Plaxo for sync'ing contacts and calendars (I'm a bit stunned that this isn't available given the number of other posts on similar issues)
- Email tab should have option to show recent emails from all accounts and not only a list of emails for a single account at a time
- Needs an Instant Messaging client included in the desktop area
- Documents folder should identify total size of files/folders and available space left
- Would be nice to drag/drop email messages into respective folders - the webclient for Go Daddy allows this
- Would be nice to copy/move an email to the calendar as an event or to the tasks as an item needing follow up; to include the email message body
- When composing a response to a message, I composed the message but wanted to change the Reply From account. I was obligated to use the account the message was sent to as the sender or to cancel the message and start a new message from the appropriate account. The drop down list in the Sent From should include all accounts.
- It would be nice to flag messages with different colors
- It's too bad Zoho can't import my Yahoo or Gmail folders with saved messages -- that would be easier than me moving them on the server, downloading to Zoho and moving them again
- Should be able to fetch email greater than 10 MB
- Add Bcc should be a general preference and not on every email message
- When viewing a contact, you should be able to change/modify their category groups via a pick list rather than the menu option above
- I am bummed I can't add all of the email addresses for several contacts as there is a maximum number of 5
- Instant message options don't allow for adding a Facebook
- It would be nice to have an option to send an update to contacts asking them to visit a site and update their contact information -- similar to Plaxo - so that I don't have to keep their information current
- It would be helpful to change the view of contacts to go across the pane by three contacts and list all of them by a scroll bar and selecting one, would display the information on the bottom pane. It's hard selecting contacts and sorting them into groups/categories by scrolling through 17 pages of contacts.
Was working earlier but seems to be experiencing an error loading the page (IE8). Will have to play with that later when it seems to work.
- Biggest issue was sync'ing it to other calendars. Would like to sync a group calendar with a group Google calendar, my personal calender with Plaxo
- Can't set a time to complete it by, just the day.

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