Nice way to persist params across page changes & note about hash URL's.

Nice way to persist params across page changes & note about hash URL's.

Zoho Creator uses Javascript's hashchange event, window.addEventListener("hashchange")  or $(window).bind("hashchange"), to perform actions when a url's hash is updated. 

When a link like <a href="#View:my_view">My link</a> is clicked the window's hash is updated triggering the hashchange event. Then ZC uses AJAX to load in the html for the desired view. (Obviously not in view-perma mode). 

Anyways, usually you see demos of params being added to urls like so..

But did you know this will still work?

This is a really nice feature, because it means you can load a view with params on the left and then create hash (#View, #Form) links with params on the right. From what I can tell, params on the left override params on the right of the hash. 

So this is great for possibly setting a user_id or some other usage identifier that you can pass to your forms, views, etc. 

DISCLAIMER : I would highly recommend still validating your param presence/values even if the param is sticking nicely in your URL's.