Highlighting text in order to save it is misfiring

Highlighting text in order to save it is misfiring

It used to be that all I had to do was highlight some text in a web browser, click the Notebook Web Clipper icon, and my text would appear, with a colored background, ready to be saved.

Lately, I've had to suffer through a half dozen or so misfires before finally getting this result. By "misfires" I mean instead of having my text appear with a colored background, a list of options would instead appear (see attachment).

I've since discovered - after the seventh try when it finally did work as it should - that if I cancel out of the correct clip, the view in the attachment appears. So it appears what happens in the misfires is that they're not continuing on to the next step, which is to present the highlighted text with the colored background.

Is anyone else experiencing this and if so, have you figured out a way to shorten the time to "accidental" resolution that I've stumbled upon?

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