No Reports in Inventory that Show Available for Sale and Reorder Point

No Reports in Inventory that Show Available for Sale and Reorder Point

We are a company that allows customers to back order items and non stock items. We have noticed that Zoho does not show us the correct numbers for purchasing that we need for low level products. Everything goes off the Stock on Hand when in reality we need to know the available for sale. Not sure how other companies handle the BO situation and ordering. We sell thousands of products and cannot take the time to look at every product. Here is an issue we are constantly facing.. A customer orders 10 widgets, and we have 5 in stock. Our reorder point is set at 2 (because it is easy to get the product in or we might not sell a whole lot of the product). Because the stock on hand is 5 and reorder point is 2, the purchasing department is not alerted to purchase and sales can not purchase the products. It would be nice to run a report that is based off the available for sale and the reorder point. We seem to be constantly missing products that need to be reordered. Please create a report. Also, anybody else with this issue and how did you fix it?