No way to find specific instances of a string within a note?

No way to find specific instances of a string within a note?

I've installed Notebook on iOS and my Mac, and have imported a number of informational notes from Evernote.  I'm trying to search for where a certain string appears in a note, and find it hard to believe there is no way to do it.

Specifically - I have a notebook called "Info" and it contains one note with all US telephone area codes, and another note containing all US Census Bureau county FIPS codes.

I'll use searching for "Any occurrence of the string '404' in any of my Info notes" as an example.

What I expect / want is this:
- To find that 404 is in the Area Codes note, here:
404 GA Georgia (central Atlanta area)
- To find all FIPS codes that contain "404" in the FIPS Codes note, these 10 places:

24041 MD Talbot
24043 MD Washington
24045 MD Wicomico
24047 MD Worcester
34041 NJ Warren
54041 WV Lewis
54043 WV Lincoln
54045 WV Logan
54047 WV Mc Dowell
54049 WV Marion

What Zoho Notebook is actually giving me:

On iOS, I tap the magnifying-glass icon while in my Info notebook and enter "404" and press Search
Result: It shows the FIPS code note, but not the Area Codes note...???
Further: On opening the FIPS code note it will not find and jump to any of the 10 occurrences.  I need to manually scroll through the list of about 3,200 lines to find each one by eye.  Forget it!

On MacOS:  I enter "404" in the magnifying-glass box at the top of the screen, while viewing my Info notebook
Result: Ironically, it shows only the Area Codes note, but not the FIPS Codes note - still incomplete, and the exact inverse of what iOS returns!
Further: As with the iOS version, there is no way to have it jump directly to the instance of 404 in the note.  I have to manually scroll

And yes, everything is fully sync'd between iOS and the Mac.  All of my Info notes are there in both places, and can be manually opened and scrolled through to confirm that the total of 11 lines containing "404" are present in the respective notes on both platforms.

On iOS, I don't see that there is any provision for finding a particular string in a note.  Sure wish is was there!

On MacOS, I see in the Edit menu - when a note is open - there is a Find item in the Edit menu with sub-selections of Find, Find & Replace, Find Next, Find Previous, Use Selection for Find, and Jump to Selection.  All of these options seem permanently greyed out (inactive) no matter what I do - except for the very last one.  If I randomly select anything in the note and then scroll to a different place in the note, "Jump to Selection" works just fine and takes me back to the selected text.  But I can't use any of the other "Find" actions, like searching for a string and jumping there within a note.  It's all manual.

What am I missing?  Are notes intended to be restricted to things like tiny shopping lists that are easily scrolled through visually across 10 or 20 short lines?  Is there really no easy way to keep a list of a few 100 or 1000 of something and then do a Find to go directly to the item(s) of interest?

(Oh, and any correlation between searching for and not finding the string "404" in my example, and instances in a web browser where "404" is an error code meaning "web page not found", are possibly amusing, but purely coincidental.     )

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