Not showing ledgers in zoho expense

Not showing ledgers in zoho expense

I have been using zoho expense for a year. By and large, it has been a good experience,but one basic and important thing is missing:

Example: I'm the admin(Not owner of the company) and my colleague is submitter. The company has provided me (the admin) 50000/-. From that amount I'm providing the submitter 10000/-. So I have 50000-10000=40000 with me and submitter has of course 10000, after that submitter uses the amount and creates expense of 9000/-. So 1000 remains with him. Again I'm providing him 10000/-. So

30000 : with the admin
11000: with the submitter &
9000: as expense.

This process goes on and on.There must be a ledger like this. Customer care team said that it's not possible and can't commit to implement in near future. If anyone has idea about how to achieve this with existing functionality, then kindly let me know. Otherwise I'll have to look for other options for expense management.