Notebook Annotate

Notebook Annotate

I have a question. I love where Notebook is going! I'm actually using this app as our inspection app as I like how you can continue to take photos without having to click the upload button every time. My issue is on Desktop I can annotate using shapes and arrows etc. But on the mobile app, only option is to only draw. I know the other apps like on Creator or CRM you can use the shapes and text etc. But can't seem to find the option on Mobile App. Also, if there is another way to take photos in Creator, similar to how Notebook allows you to without having to to hit the take photo button to do each one that would be great thanks

      • Sticky Posts

      • Migrate your Notebook data to the new, mobile Notebook.

        Zoho Notebook is transforming. The new version will include exciting new features and a completely new user experience. The initial version will be mobile based, available for Android and iOS. A new web version will be available after the initial mobile release.   With the release of the new Notebook approaching, we're migrating most of your current data to the new version. Once the new version is released, there will be an additional window to migrate your data. We will not provide access to the