Notebook issues on iOS 13

Notebook issues on iOS 13

Dear Notebook users on iOS,

We have recently released an update for our app mainly to optimize with iOS 13. Unfortunately, post the update, we have identified the following problem which occurs constantly:

1. App Crashes when using keypad suggestions:
When you are inside a note and tap any suggestions from the keypad, the app crashes instantly.

2. Connectivity issues using Smart Keyboard on iPad:
Inside a note, tapping the arrow keys from any smart keyboard that's connected to iPad doesn't respond.

3. App Crash due to other Editor problems.

If you're wondering why this occurs with iOS 13 alone, it's because Apple have deprecated their UIWebView framework(completely dropped its support since iOS 13), where our app still implements it in certain functions of the Editor. We are currently working on changing this to their current/latest Framework(WKWebView), so you won't experience such issues like this again.

We sincerely apologize if the above issues have caused you any inconveniences. All these will be definitely fixed in our fore-coming updates and we will also update here on the same Announcement. Until then, we request all our precious users to bear with us.

Notebook Team.

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