Notebook Still Not Ready For Prime Time

Notebook Still Not Ready For Prime Time

Notebook is a gorgeous app with no much potential.  The ideas are great.  However, there are still too many bugs to use it with any sense of reliability.  Especially if you're a heavy user.

A couple years ago, I tried to migrate from Evernote to Notebook.  There were issues with the migrations (files &/or Images too large) and it was taking forever (27 days) to try to migrate.  In the meantime, I couldn't work in either Evernote or Notebook for fear of losing my work.

For The last few days I've been trying to move from OneNote to Notebook.  Wanting to avoid the migrating tool, I actually started copy/pasting notes, opening saved links and adding them to Notebook, etc.  

Then I installed the apps.  I prefer working on the PC and syncing to my phone, Fire tablet and laptop.  Here are the show-stopping issues I ran into:

1.  Reader view does not reliably import an image.  I found no way to add an image that would become the note card cover.  I'm very visual and this was really disappointing.

2.  Syncing across the apps does not work reliably.  Notes took a long time to 'arrive' in the different versions.  Yet other times I tried adding a note to each version (desktop, phone & Fire tablet), but they did not sync....even after waiting a couple of days for it to catch up.

3.  Uploading PDF's is like playing the lottery.  After I finally figured out how to upload a PDF into Notebook desktop, I couldn't find it in any version.  Now, literally just minutes ago, it showed up in the web version.  Still not in phone.  I couldn't check the tablet because I already uninstalled Notebook there.  

I hope I'm not coming across rudely; that's not my intention.  I'm just so disappointed.  Notebook is stunning and there are sooooo MANY great features already.  But I need to be able to rely on my notes syncing on all devices.  My second trial stopped there.   Maybe someday....


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