Notebook Web feedback and suggestions

Notebook Web feedback and suggestions

Hi, I just took the Web version of Notebook for a test drive and I must congratulate the team on just how polished this version is. Kudos!

I have the following suggestions to make it even better:

  • Table support: I have lots of tables in a lot of my Evernote notes. I absolutely look forward to (and am sure many others out there would love to see) tables in Notebook.
  • Organization: Currently, we can have notebooks and under notebooks, we can group notes together in stacks. That is fine...for now! Please allow naming for stacks. This will help label similar notes together within a notebook. At some point down the line, I would like to see the ability to group 2 or more notebooks together in a stack..but that's not a deal-breaker by any means.
  • In-file search: I did a quick test and the search did not return results from within attachments. This is one of the features that makes EN (Premium) so popular.
  • OCR: If it is not there. (I actually didn't get a chance to test this.)
  • Windows desktop app soon :)

Zoho Notebook is off to a terrific start...The above is a wishlist from someone who won't mind one bit shifting his entire notes database (3k odd notes) from EN to Notebook...and even pay for the service.

I am sure the dev team have their roadmap for the app, perhaps including one or more of above suggestions.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

- GT

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