Notifications Disappear

Notifications Disappear

My company just started trying Zoho Connect but there is a problem. When I (or anyone in the company) get a notification from Connect, the notification is shown on my screen for only a few seconds and then disappears completely (assuming browser is minimized) The only way to know if there are unread notifications is to maximize the browser window and check. When I get notifications (windows 10 native) from other websites in google chrome, they stay in my notification bar and are very visible. I can clear them manually after reading them.

I really like the product in general and it seems perfect for what we want to do (internal communcation, assigning tasks) but if we are not getting the notifications timely, we will have to look elsewhere. Am I missing something? I wrote to Zoho about this problem last week with no reply yet. Anybody had similar issues. I would appreciate any input.