Options for two (or more) e-commerce websites integrated with one Inventory org?

Options for two (or more) e-commerce websites integrated with one Inventory org?

We have been operating with two Zoho One, hence two separate Inventory, subscriptions for two businesses with different locations and branding etc.  As well as keeping things separate per business (even though both businesses operate under one company umbrella), which made sense early on, a big part of the reason was that we have been planning to switch to using Zoho Commerce as our e-commerce platform for each of the businesses, each having their own website, to make use of the Inventory integration, and one Commerce site can only integrate with one Inventory. 

However, due to some changes we are considering consolidating premises that gives rise to the possibility of  combining the Orgs / Inventory listings.  (Having the same staff in the same location having to log in and out of different Zoho orgs depending on what they are doing will be problematic, and operating in a semi-retail environment where customers may wish to purchase items across both Inventory listings will also create the isse of which org to process the sales through ... etc, etc, I can just see that side of things getting messy!)  The problem though then becomes what to do about the e-commerce sites, that is if we want to keep two separate websites with their own different branding etc, we can't continue with our idea to use Zoho Commerce, because there isn't the option at present to have two sites linked to one Inventory.  The attraction of Commerce was its integration with Inventory, which is the main app we use in the Zoho suite for our business operations. 

So, I guess I'm wondering if anyone here has any lived experience in achieving a good solution for this?  Any suggestions for e-commerce platform solutions that can integrate well with Inventory, and allow for two separate sites to be connected to one Inventory org?  The caveat here is that the item sync needs to be FROM Inventory (as the source) TO the e-commerce platform, so this counts out the likes of the Shopify integration (which bizarrely, in my mind anyway, syncs in the other direction).