Order / Customer Collaboration Workflow

Order / Customer Collaboration Workflow

We're a web design provider looking for someone to help us create a order customer collaboration workflow that fits our process: 

 1. Customer places their order via a web form (using Braintree to process payment). 

2. Order information (customer details) gets sent to the Zoho Creator database with a status of "Order Received."

 3. Zoho Creator sends an email with a online questionnaire form the customer must fill out (currently using MachForm - www.machform.com). The customer's status in Zoho Creator is then changed to "Questionnaire Sent." 

 4. If no action is taken by the customer, an auto-reminder email is sent to the customer after 5,10,15 and 20 business days. 

 5.Once the Customer submits the online questionnaire form, the form information should be either sent to the Zoho Creator database, or a link to the information should be included in the Customer's Information within Zoho Creator. The customer's status then changes to "Questionnaire Received." 

 6. Zoho Creator sends an email with a link for the customer to pick an available appointment time slot via a calendar (preferably within the Zoho system). The time slot will be used for a customer service rep to call the customer and review the questionnaire. 

7. If no action is taken by the customer, an auto-reminder email is sent to the customer after 5,10,15 and 20 business days. 

 8. Once the customer chooses a time slot, their status changes to "Followup Call Scheduled". 

9. Once call has been completed, the customer service rep will change the customer status to "Initial Design in Production". 

 10. Once the design has been completed, the customer service rep will change the status to "Initial Design Sent for Customer Review" and manually email the customer a revisions / approval form (currently using MachForm). 

 11. If no action is taken by the customer, an auto-reminder email is sent to the customer after 5,10,15 and 20 business days. 

 12. If the customer chooses "Revisions" in the submitted form, their status in Zoho Creator changes to "Revisions Submitted". The form information should be either sent to the Zoho Creator database, or a link to the information should be included in the Customer's Information within Zoho Creator. 

 13. Once call has been completed, the customer service rep will change the customer status to "Revisions in Production". 

 14. Steps 12 and 13 will repeat until the customer chooses "Approved". 

 15. If customer chooses "Approved" in the submitted form, their status changes to "Website Approved". 

16. Once the website launches, the customer service rep will manually change the status to "Site Launched." 

 There will be a few additional statuses that the customer service rep will need to be able to manually set. If you have any questions, please let me know. 


Budget : Not Sure | Duration : 2 weeks

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