Any way to override SalesIQ marque detection when determining the current page?

Any way to override SalesIQ marque detection when determining the current page?


It appears that SalesIQ derives the page that the customer is currently accessing from the page marque.  In most cases this is all well and good, but if the marque is dynamically updated, this can make it rather unusable for the purpose for which SalesIQ is designed.

For example, in my case, the marque normally displays the page name while it's in focus.  When the customer does anything to cause the page to lose focus, the marque starts to flash, "Come back, we miss you!!!".  As a result, this is what often times gets logged by SalesIQ as the current page during a chat session, rather than the actual page.

A suitable implementation might be to allow for a global variable which, when it's not implemented, would cause SalesIQ to behave no differently than it currently does.  When assigned a value however, it would force SalesIQ to use that value as the current page rather than the value of document.title.  So if the global variable was "salesiqtitleoverride", I could simply assign it the value of document.title upon the loading of each page.  (I'm assuming that this behavior was not chosen as the default as it might prevent proper operation in situations that incorporate iframes, or other similar scenarios in which pages update the marque dynamically in the context of normal operation).

Of course, please let me know if there's some other workaround that I might not be aware of, or haven't considered.
