Parse JSON payload containing array
I have a flow which receives a json payload (as a webhook).
I need to set a variable (using the zoho Flow "Set a variable" module) which gets data from the json payload.
It works as long as I refer to json objects properties, even with several levels:
- ${webhookTrigger.payload.agentName}
But it fails as soon as I try to access data in an array:
- ${webhookTrigger.payload.resultObject[0].general.fullName}
=> What is the right syntax to access data contained in an array inside the JSON payload ?
Here is a sample payload
"webhookTrigger": {
"payload": {
"runDuration": 28100,
"agentId": 8969430073133485,
"launchDuration": 579,
"agentName": "LinkedIn Profile Scraper (1)",
"exitCode": 0,
"exitMessage": "finished",
"scriptOrg": "phantombuster",
"containerId": 7373200360528184,
"branch": "master",
"resultObject": [
"general": {
"imgUrl": "",
"fullName": "Gilles Combes",
"headline": "Responsable technique à CARTELAND\nSymfony - AWS - Docker - Linux",
"location": "Aix-en-Provence, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France",
"profileUrl": "",
"connectionDegree": "2e",
"mutualConnectionsUrl": "",
"mutualConnectionsText": "4 relations en commun : Boris BRAUN, Clarisse Hébréard et 2 autres personnes",
"description": "",
"subscribers": 228,
"firstName": "Gilles",
"lastName": "Combes",
"userId": 39367362,
"vmid": "ACoAAAJYssIBGfX9KgXg5EptUGMDixIl-G9ocfE",
"linkedinSalesNavigatorUrl": ",name",
"connectionsUrl": "",
"connectionsCount": 230,
"company": "CARTELAND"