Passing HTML Parameters to embedded forms

Passing HTML Parameters to embedded forms

Dear All,
I have already asked this question but I had no answer.

I know that with the usage of openurl I can pass parameters from Form to Form and from HTML Page to Form.
So if a form contains a lookup, with the usage of openurl I can pass this value to a lookup or a single line in the second form.
Now my question, if these two forms are embedded in two Zoho HTML Pages (one HTML with the first form and the second with the other form), is it possible to do to the same?? I think no...
As an example:
in the On success
it passes the ID and it shows it in the Contract_Details1 field but
in the On success

it does not work... It only keeps the ID in the url but I want to pass it in the Contract_Details1 field. How can I do that?

Contract_Terms_and_Conditions1 is the HTML Page in which the Contract_Terms Form is embedded.