Paste into notebook formatting changes

Paste into notebook formatting changes

I am trying to paste text from a Microsoft Word (Docx) format into Notebook. I have used the app (Windows 10) as well as opened it online with Chrome and Edge and all with the same results. I have tried formatting in RTF and same thing. If I paste in plain text, it works fine, but I loose my formatting (bold text mainly in this document. ) What is happening is that many of the spaces in the original document are lost when I paste it into Notebook and become one long word. I have copied what it is doing below. As you can see, in this brief text, there are 11 instances of this. I just downloaded the Windows app today and as I mentioned, I am going to the website with the 2 browsers. I tried searching the help for pasting as well as  Googling, but to no avail.

Any suggestions? I have been with Evernote for years, but wanted to use Notebook as a replacement. If I can't get this resolved, I will have to try another app. I can't paste everything in plain text and then reformat it.

My example that in the original document does not have "run on" words:

Andromeda (formally titled Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda) is aCanadian-American science fiction television series, based on unusedmaterial by Gene Roddenberry. After being frozen in time for300 years, captain Dylan Hunt and his sentient warship Andromeda setsout to restore peace and civilization to the known universe. With himis the crew of the ship that, with profit in mind and unknowing ofher captain still being alive, salvaged Andromeda from the black holekeeping her suspended in time. Andromeda originally hid in the blackhole after a big battle. When Captain Hunt wakes up he realizes thatthis battle was the beginning of an epic war and that the greatcivilization he was defending, the Commonwealth, has been eradicatedfrom existence. He and his unlikely and sometimes unpredictable crewstarts on a mission to once again bring hope to the galaxy. 

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