Payment Reminders customised to each Customer?

Payment Reminders customised to each Customer?

 Hello Team Zoho,

Thanks for the wonderful service and amazing product we are enjoying. Just came across a situation which I am sure many of businesses facing at times. 

Thought of sharing a useful feature regarding payment reminder set-up. As a fact, we always have different relations and terms with our respective clients/customers and at times we don't want certain customers to be reminded again and again for payments. 

Also, at times clients also inform us or reply to reminder email that payment will be made after say 15 days or is the situation where customer indicated that we have already transferred the funds and will reach your bank on say day after or coming Monday however, as per the settings reminders are sent out automatically to remind them again which at times puts us in a embarrasing situation.

Can we please have a feature where we can customise the payment reminder by customer or simply de-activate/suspend the reminders for a particular account?

Hope this makes sense. Looking forward to hear from you.


Impetus Research team

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