PDF Niggle

PDF Niggle

Hi - great work on this project. It finally looks like a note-taking application that I might be able to stick with. Just a niggle for now then:

I've installed the Chrome web-clipper giving me the ability to save PDF files straight to my notebooks. This is great, however I've not found a quick way to get rid of the prompt to save these files if I don't want to copy them to a notebook. It can be quite annoying trying to read documents with the 'Copy to Notebook' flag sitting in the corner and I'd like a simple way to get rid of it. IMO this functionality would be better formulated as something that users select and 'opt in' to rather than having it pop up automatically - I know when I want to save something. 

Also, a plus one on the request for being able to annotate/ highlight pdf documents with tablet pens (I'm on Surface!). This is really useful functionality for student types. 

Keep up the good work!

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