Please investigate - 3rd attempt

Please investigate - 3rd attempt


I have tried in the past to get this resolved, but your replies and help hasn't worked so far.

I cannot access my Zeptomail account - I just get a blank screen and a 401.  Your previous responses from helpdesk saying I don't have an account isn't correct.

So, out of frustration I am trying to close my account, but cannot because I have an outstanding service:
Trying to close
But if I click on the Zeptomail link, I still get the same issue:

Blank screen - just a 401 in the console

      • Sticky Posts

      • TransMail Overview

        Note: TransMail is now ZeptoMail. Click here to know more. Hey there! It's been 5 months since we launched Zoho's transactional email service — TransMail. We've had great response and onboarded many users. I'd like to now give an overview of TransMail
      • TransMail has a new name—ZeptoMail!

        Tried navigating to TransMail's community forum but see a different name now? That's because TransMail has a new name. TransMail is now ZeptoMail! As we’ve grown from an internal service used mainly by other Zoho products to an up-and-coming competitor
      • Welcome to TransMail community

        Note: TransMail is now ZeptoMail. Click here to know more. Hi everyone, Welcome to TransMail's community forum. Though TransMail has been in use inside Zoho for nearly half a decade, we only recently launched it as a service to all of you. We'd firstly