Please re-integrate with WorkDrive

Please re-integrate with WorkDrive

Hi, I using Notebook for a while it was so great but recent updates about Pro version cause a lot concern!

The free 2GB should be for group of users who not using WorkDrive yet, then they should consider using WorkDrive account for 5GB free storage or upgrade to 100GB Pro version of Notebook!

After this Pro version announcement I lost 5GB WorkDrive integration and forced to using just 2GB storage which I think is too small for even Note Cards with text only content.
Before Pro edition, everytime I add a file to my notes it was saved in a folder - named Notebook - in my WorkDrive which was great.

Another idea that would be so nice is that won't count storage for Note Cards (text only content) like Writer files which won't counted for WorkDrive storage! Another cards like files and audio counted for storage limitations (2-5-100GB plans).


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