PO - Missing Link From Receive To Bill & Redundant Convert Button

PO - Missing Link From Receive To Bill & Redundant Convert Button


I noticed a missing link when marking a PO "received" before creating the bill. When we mark received, we are taken to a screen where there is no option to create the bill, we have to click on the PO link to go back to the PO. At PO if we click on the blue "convert to bill" we are given a notice, "You have recorded a few Purchase Receives and converted all unreceived items into bills in this Purchase Order. Please go to the 'Receives' section and convert each receive into a bill,. Therefore we have to "convert to bill from the received link below.

Please fix/streamline
1. Add convert to bill on the receive page
2. The convert to bill button works, otherwise the button is redundant.

Thank you