pop form in a report action buttin to update a filed

pop form in a report action buttin to update a filed

Hello i know i am missing  a simple thing but can someone help
i have this (Update price action button ) in a report named Hold_item with this code inside the workflow

openUrl("#Form:Update_Hold_Price?Cartlow_FBS=" + input.ID ,"popup window");

its suppose to open the form Update_Hold_Price so i can insert the new price and it get updated but 
here is the code in the form

updt = Cartlow_FBS[ID == input.ID];

whenever submit i get this message

Error in executing On Create / Edit - On Success script
 Unable to update the value to updt.Price. Line:(2)
 'updt' has no matching records. Unable to update the value updt.Price. Line:(2)