Price Managment

Price Managment

I have been in discussions with Zoho for some time and not getting what I need. Maybe someone can help explain the logic behind this for me as I fail to understand.

When creating an item, you input a sales rate and purchase rate. These rates are just that a rate, no relation to your actual landed price or cost price of an item. A sales rate that you calculated when you created the item.

As time goes on, each time you receive such an item and create a bill the price of the item might have changed. 

Zoho does not track thes price changes. Through very complicated FIFO calculations it seems to do your profit calculations correct. You can print reports that reflect you average purchase price, that reflect your margins on products. 

But nowhere does it seems to assist you with price management.  No reporting on last price paid only average price paid.

1) Why can the price in the item file not be updated as landed prices change?
2) Why can we not see average prices and last prices in the stockl file of an item?
3) Why can when a bill is processed and cost prices have changed Zoho not give an option to amend cost and sales prices in Item file?
4) Better still create a task for the pricing manager advising him of cost price changes to allow him to update selling prices.
5) Why not have a suggested mark-up field in the item file, to either guide the pricing manager or if so required by the company automatically update selling prices and just report these to the company.
6) Should this cost price fields be updated this information can also be used to generate price books for sales prices.

Sorry maybe I miss something, so please help me understand the logic Zoho is using here. What is the use of an inventory system if it does not allow for price management.

Do I really like some other users on here have to run a seperate ERP system or manual spreadsheet system and re input all the purchase information to be able to manage my selling prices?

Just does not make sence to me. Please advice.