Problem saving documents using remote API -- "Document format not supported. Error in saving content."

Problem saving documents using remote API -- "Document format not supported. Error in saving content."

Hi all,

I'm running into a problem using the remote api to save documents.  I've managed to set up a session and open the document inside Zoho.  But when my users try to save the document within Zoho, Zoho gives the following error:

"Document format not supported. Error in saving content."

This happens for both .doc and .txt files (the only two I've tried so far).  The save routine appears to die within Zoho servlet that is supposed to get the files back from Zoho never reports receiving any POSTs at all.

Here are my log entries from setting up the Zoho you can see, everything appears to be working.  So what am I doing wrong?  Thanks!


20120123 15:37:26 DEBUG [ajp-8009-6] (ZohoAPI)  - setupPrivateEditor using following for POST:
apikey: [redacted]
output: url
mode: normaledit
filename: Test_Doc_06.doc
documentid: 31101
id: 31101
lang: en
format: doc

20120123 15:37:26 DEBUG [ajp-8009-6] (ZohoAPI)  - setupPrivateEditor executing POST: POST HTTP/1.1
20120123 15:37:28 DEBUG [ajp-8009-6] (ZohoAPI)  - setupPrivateEditor sees response status: 200  :  OK
20120123 15:37:28 DEBUG [ajp-8009-6] (ZohoAPI)  - setupPrivateEditor:  full response string seen as:

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