Problems with mobile version Notebook

Problems with mobile version Notebook

Since around two weeks the mobile version of Notebook (on a Samsung Galaxy A50) is showing some incredible annoying things. I decided to bundle them in one post because these issues all showed up around the same time.

First of all hyperlinks get turned into some ugly Note cards that take up space, are very hard to edit and are sometimes just plain wrong (showing the title and thumbnail of another article or post). If there was some consistency in these cards (and if they showed the correct content) I wouldn't have the same issue with them. But now they're just an irritation. See the attachment for a picture.

The second issue is that hyperlinks now take me to the website instead of the app. Links used to take me directly to the app, but now links to Twitter, Instagram etc. take me to the website. I didn't change anything in my settings and I see no way on Notebook to fix it. I deleted the app and re-installed it, but that didn't do the trick.

The third problem is the fact that some of my bigger notes are almost inaccesible on mobile. The bigger notes were always slower, but now the app simply crashes when I want to open them. I guess it has something to do with point one, because most of my bigger notes are pretty full with links.

I send a feedbackmessage two weeks ago but didn't hear anything back. Maybe someone here knows more.

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