Problems with PDF files in notebook

Problems with PDF files in notebook

I'm evaluating Zoho Notebook as an alternative to Evernote and imported my Evernote account to Zoho Notebook.

First issue is that notes in Evernote that comprise a PDF are turned into a 'group' with a single note page (that has the text from the Evernote note it came from) and separate file with the PDF.  This is not so useful, as to find any PDF requires searching for it, and what is found is the text file not the PDF (whereas in Evernote finding one got you the other).

Second is that it seems impossible to upload new PDFs to Notebook - I've tried 'attaching' a file and when I drag / drop a PDF (or select it using file picker) I get three-dots and then nothing.  Adding images works fine... it seems just to be PDFs that I'm unable to upload.

Is there a better way of working with PDFs that I'm missing?

Using the web version of Notebook in Firefox on a mac (if any of that helps).

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