Product Entry on CRM Mobile App (Quotes, Sales Order)

Product Entry on CRM Mobile App (Quotes, Sales Order)

When adding PRODUCTS to Quote, Sales Order or Invoice in the zCRM mobile app if the user enters the product code the product is not searchable and isn't displayed on in search results.  

We set up "product code in the "Products" set up in the module search option and yet  still get no product to display when searched by a product code is search section of "add product" to a quote, sales order or invoice

The only search option available that is current working is to search by a keyword that is part off  the ITEM DESCRIPTION which is very time consuming and not user friendly.  It appears as if the intent was to be able to search by any of the fields chosen in the PRODUCT "search" section of INFO & SETTINGS" set up, of the zCRM  APP.  However, when the admin sets up or selects specific fields to be searchable in set up they do not translate to functioning search options. Are there plans fix this bug?