Production Record Database

Production Record Database

We need a database where we can add the following: Raw Materials including acquisition date, lot number, expiration, vendor, total cost and cost per kg. For each lot number we also need to add a text field where I can input if we checked the purity of the ingredient and how. Thus, this part of the database would be an inventory tracking system with total inventory value by raw material. I will input the inventory directly into the database. The value will then need to match what I input into Quickbooks, where I will add only the total value to "unfinished goods" asset. We then need to create a production record for our products. Let's say that we are making a product with six ingredients (sucralose, caffeine, flavor, water, and potassium sorbate) and two containers (a bottle and a bottle lid) and a label. We need to create a record that shows how much of each ingredient we used, and from which batch it was from, and how much it cost in total. The trick is that sometimes we will switch from an ingredient from "Lot X" to "Lot Y" when everything in "Lot X" runs out. Also, too we might use both "Lot X" and "Lot Y" in a single production run. For example, let's say that I am creating a batch using 1kg of sucralose. If we have only .3kg of surcalose from "Lot X" then we are also going to need .7kg from "Lot Y". The production record will need to show this. We also need the same for the packaging (bottle and cap) and the label. We will need to print a hard copy of each production record for offline storage. Our production record needs to show the total value of raw materials used so that I can convert my inventory to COGS in Quickbooks. After production, our inventory of raw materials in the database should also be reduced by the concomitant amount used in the production record and the total value on hand of each raw material should also be reduced by the value concomitant to the production record. When we buy raw materials and packaging, we receive documentation from the manufacturer. It would be nice to upload a scan of this document to Zoho and assign it to the inventory item with the corresponding lot number. This is not necessary, but it would be nice. I suppose since we are adding vendors to the ingredients screen, we should also have fields for address, phone number, contact, and a text area for me to write how I qualified the vendor and how the vendor performs tests on the purity of ingredients. Some reports that I would need: total inventory value by item, total inventory value by all items. total inventory on hand (quantity) by item. Raw materials like sucralose (sweetener) are measured in kg and raw materials like bottles are measured in units. It would also be nice to have a way to "remove" quantities from inventory for reasons of waste during production, or for lab work. I am sure this project requires some sophistication, but I am happy to consider primitive versions to begin so that I can assess whether Zoho is an okay place to manage this type of information. So don't feel the need to quote for a "brilliant vision" if you can think of a less sophisticated way for me to get a feel for the system. If the system kinda works, then we can proceed with something bigger.

Budget : $50-$150 | Duration : 2 weeks

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